We all want to be successful and enjoy the fame and respect that comes with it. We do our best, investing our time and energy into becoming successful and reaching our goals, only to falter. But that's not the worst part. It's particularly demoralizing when we look at the people around us who are far more successful and appear to have achieved it effortlessly. So, how do we move past this? 

There is one thing common among people who have made it in life, and that is persistence. 

Let's understand how persistence is the key to success.

The Power of Persistence

Hard work only bears results if you execute it with consistency. Persistence is the innate ability to keep going when others would give up. It is steadfast determination and the will to overcome hurdles, whether situational, professional, or personal. It is about maintaining focus and not being daunted by the thought of failure.

When you prioritize persistence, adversity is no longer an excuse to stop chasing what you believe in. You become resilient, armored by the will to carry on. 

Let's look at some of the most successful individuals throughout history. They all have one thing in common: they've tasted failure thousands of times before finally having their breakthrough. 

Learning from Failure

Persistence teaches us that failure is not an enemy but a friend that teaches us more about life than anyone or anything else. Each setback you face is an opportunity to grow, adapt, and learn. When we learn to persist and use failure to our advantage, endpoints no longer discourage us. Instead, we perceive defeat as an excuse to return stronger than ever.

J. K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, faced multiple rejections from publishers. However, instead of shelving her vision, she persisted and became one of the best-selling authors ever. 

The Bigger Picture 

In the pursuit of success, we all want immediate results. Impatience is a part of human nature, causing us to give up when the going gets tough. You may feel like you're on an endless walk, with the destination moving further away. However, we must look at the bigger picture, no matter what. Envision the light at the end of the tunnel, when you will enjoy the fruits of your labor. Walk with courage and might until the opportune time. You will be rewarded for all the blood, sweat, and tears you have invested. 

Author David Haugh's memoir, The Life and Times of An Ohio Farmboy, encapsulates the beauty of life through its various facets, ability to teach, and experience. The author invites readers on an unforgettable journey in his simple yet happening life, which is an ode to persistence and willpower. The story begins with David living on a rural farm life in Ohio, moving to a large university for his educational endeavors, and then to the army and Vietnam.

The Life and Times of An Ohio Farmboy is now available on Amazon.