Since 1930, superheroes have symbolized justice and inspired others to do the same. These caped crusaders have appeared on pages and have impacted future generations and society. Marvel and DC have been at the forefront of telling superhero tales; however, as the world became more aware, more writers took their pens to create sci-fi stories. New stories emerged, which gave rise to newer concepts of supervillains, antiheroes, etc. This poses a question: do superheroes contribute to a positive influence, or do they negatively impact our society? Let's present our take:

Are Superheroes a Positive Influence on Our Society?

Looking at comic books and stories, one might wonder how superheroes on pages affect our society. Superheroes like Superman or Captain America acted as moral guides for right and wrong, while other characters like Batman or Spider-Man shaped the pop culture we see today. 

It's not just the present that they have impacted; they have been a part of our society since the past. Trail back to World War II. Superheroes were seen as a symbol of hope. Think of Captain America, which debuted in 1941. The comic book figure delineated a regular person turning into a super soldier protecting his country. This boosted morale and inspired the young audience to do good for their country. 

Even today, superheroes play this role. Spider-Man, a fan-favorite among children and young teens, isn't popular just because of his superpower; people love reading his stories because he's living an ordinary life behind the mask. Seeing your favorite superhero face the everyday challenges you face makes them relatable. 

Nowadays, writing superheroes also serves as a way to promote inclusivity and diversity. One superhero that fits the bill is Ria, from Ria and the Domino Door by Justin Plato. One could focus on the fact that she is one of the few female teen superheroes. However, that's not the only thing that makes her special. Ria's story teaches how one has to uphold responsibilities even at a young age when great power is given to them. Her tale inspires young readers to learn what it means to have responsibilities in the modern world. 

Final Note:

From pages to the silver screen, superheroes have undeniably left an indelible mark on society. These larger-than-life figures have served as both moral compasses and cultural icons, inspiring generations with their courage, resilience, and unwavering commitment to justice. Characters like Ria from "Ria and the Domino Door" demonstrate the power of representation and the importance of empowering young readers with stories that reflect their experiences.

If you want to read more about Ria's journey and discover her extraordinary abilities and challenges in "Ria and the Domino Door," get your copy now on Amazon!