In the ever-so-all-rounding arena of relationship building, the terminology of 'red' and 'green' is more than just standard.

At their core, red flags indicate an underlying notion of manipulative behaviors by one's partner. Green flags, on the other hand, are the opposite.

A normal person may like to think that the red flag-green flag debate is only limited to romantic relationships – but this construct can be applied to something much bigger; the relationship between the government and media.

If we take a peek into the versatile sphere of journalism, the existence of red flags is quite prevalent. But before we dive deep into that discussion, in its literal term, what exactly is 'journalism'?

Journalism - The Right to Write

Journalism refers to the 'activity' of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting information. So all the world's happenings, from the most intricate of matters to the crestfallen disasters – are recorded and propagated through media to the entirety of humanity.

Journalism Living Up to Its Name - A Recurring Question

To define is to limit. While the definition of journalism is short and simple, a question has remained unanswered for ages - The credibility of journalism. We know that the world moves with the waves caused by power and money. Is journalism genuine if it is painted red with the stains of biases, varnished by influence or greed? It is not.

Unveil the Curtain – The 'Divide'

Removing the hues of red from the flag of journalism and repainting it with green layers of trust is crucial. Biased journalism leads the general public to refrain from believing in whatever news they are exposed to. And so, the 'divide' between journalists and the people prevails.

Independent Journalism - Bound With Zero Shackles

To eradicate this drift between journalists and the public, it is important to practice 'independent journalism' and ensure it exists freely in its prestige. Red flags are bound to vanish into oblivion if journalism only existed in its independent form – free from the shackles of state control, money, and power.

For those involved in independent journalism, it isn't easy to survive. Power and influence keep track of these heroes, ready to attack and restrain them to their liking. A prime example of this is Edward Snowden, who used the channel of independent journalism to free classified information from the National Security Agency back in 2013. Ever since that time, he has been in hiding.

To move in the opposite direction of the current is a brave and challenging act. In the fictionalized world of independent journalism, look behind the camera through the eyes of Katya Fernandez – a woman who wishes to find her way around the chasing shackles of partiality. But in her pursuit, she might have stumbled upon something ground-breaking when a mysterious package arrives on her doorstep and changes her life forever. Look out for The Great Divide of the 4th Estate, now available on Amazon and bookstores near you!